
10 Common Signs Of Alcoholism

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People turn towards alcohol whenever they feel a little low, feel the need to celebrate a moment in their life, or just out of pure pleasure. The problem, however, arises when you do not realize you’re drinking too much. There’s a thin line which many tend to ignore. Soon before you know it, drinking alcohol becomes a part of your coping mechanism.

Being an alcoholic has many severe consequences, and it’s important that you, as a family member, look out for the ones around you from the start.

Here are 10 common signs of alcoholism:


The thing about people with a drinking problem is that they would never admit to the fact that they are getting addicted to it. Mostly it’s because they think that they have it under control or sometimes, just out of guilt.


Inability to Focus

People with a drinking problem tend to zone out constantly. This directly affects the work-life of an individual. Most people with a drinking problem have a direct link with their poor performance at work.

Lack of Self-Control

Another sign of alcoholism is the lack of will to hold yourself back from drinking. There comes a time where for every little thing, you turn towards alcohol. It’s just one drink at the start, and soon before you realize it, you would be drinking excessively in one go.


Changes to Your Physique

Some people gain a lot of weight while others get really skinny. Weight loss or gain is both a worrying sign for anyone. This directly affects the physical state and health of the individual. You might feel tired very often or feel a little too lazy all the time. Moreover, it directly leads to irregular eating patterns.

Interesting read: Is There A Blurred Line Between Alcohol Use, Abuse, And Addiction?

Trouble with Withdrawal

The most worrying sign of alcoholism is that those who wish to get away from drinking, once and for all, find it very hard to do so. It’s not always that those who abuse alcohol do not wish to turn their life around. It’s the withdrawal symptoms that start to arise, making it extremely difficult to do so. The common withdrawal symptoms are headaches, sweating, upset stomach, inability to sleep, anxiety, etc.


Short-Term Memory Loss

People with a drinking problem are prone to forgetting stuff on a regular basis. Individuals with an alcohol problem at times might completely forget what they did or said the previous night. There is a total memory loss of an incident or some brief moment they shared with someone.

Hiding the Drinking Problem With Others

Another serious problem is that those with a drinking problem do not wish to share the issue with anyone. Be it their close friends or family members. So it might be complicated at times to get the person to speak up about it. Some lie since they do not want to damage their relationships with the loved ones. Hiding the truth seems to be the best option for them.

Drinking in Unusual Situations

A lot of people who are indulged in alcohol abuse are found to be drinking at the very inappropriate times. For instance, they might drink before going to work. Or, more worryingly, drink before driving. Majority of the incidents relating to alcohol have taken place due to driving while being drunk.


Trouble with Relationships

It goes without saying that when your mental health is not right, its gets tough to manage other things in life. Stress, anxiety makes you feel low and moody. And, when you are not able to deal with your emotions internally, it directly affects your relationships with others around you. So many dysfunctional families have had alcohol as the root cause of the problem.

Read: The Importance Of Good Nutrition To Overcome Drug & Alcohol Addiction

Drinking In Excessive Amounts

Another major sign of alcohol abuse is that drinking quantity goes up with time. Each time, you would drink much more than you used to previous times.

Therefore, if you notice any of these signs with anyone in your circle, make sure to get closer to the person and make them speak up about it. You never know what a person is going through until it’s too late.


Are you or your loved ones struggling with addiction? Our knowledgeable and experienced staff know how to help people achieve a life free from addiction to drugs and alcohol. We know that healthy relationship with family and friends matter, and we are here to help you heal from the impacts of the addictions from a loved one. Contact us today if you are interested in learning more and beginning the healing process today!